• 今天存款,成为一名河袭者! $500存款匹配!


  • 第二学期于2024年6月28日开始! 查看课程时间表并立即注册!

    View a full list of available courses and register today before the start of our next term.

  • 每个目的地都是从旅程开始的 在新罕布什尔州的一所顶尖大学找到你的位置.

  • 新罕布什尔州的一所天主教大学 致力于改变心灵和思想,为世界服务.

    新皇冠体育培养批判性思维, 正确的判断, and respect for all people resulting in a high quality 教育 that provides opportunities for social, 文化, 道德, 精神发展.


  • Commencement 2024 研究生s the largest class in the University's history

    河大学 honored 912 研究生s at its 2024 Commencement ceremony—the largest graduating class in its history.

  • 河大学 receives $2 million grant to educate the next generation of nurses

    A generous grant from the Bedford Falls Foundation will aid scholarship recipients and expand Rivier’s under研究生 nursing program.

  • Rivier named top nursing school in New Hampshire, among the best in United States

    在对美国经济进行全面评估之后.S. 2024年护理学校, Nursing Schools Almanac ranked 河大学 as the #1 Nursing School in New Hampshire and #10 in New England. 新皇冠体育在全国私立护理学校中排名第47位.

  • 河大学’s online master’s programs ranked as New Hampshire’s best

    在线MastersColleges.com has recognized 河大学 as offering the top-ranked online master’s programs in the state of New Hampshire, 根据该网站2024年的排名.


We are focused on providing you with a holistic academic experience that focuses on your innate strengths and talents and builds out from there, whether you are starting out as an 本科 or returning to school for 研究生 and 博士 studies.


More than a beautiful NH university; Rivier is an academic community. Whether you are walking to your next class or simply catching up with a friend—our campus is one of the most beautiful universities in NH, 为你的学习经历提供背景.



皇冠体育在线的校园里到处都是像你这样的人. Each brings their own personal experience and perspective together to encourage, 分享, 支持, 并最终改变世界.


Hailey McMahon, Class of 2025, knew she wanted to a police officer when she was four years old. At 16, Hailey attended the Maine State Police Junior Academy, which solidified her decision. 皇冠体育在线刑事司法专业, 她现在是教务长名单的学生, 女子足球运动员, 法院官员, 纳舒厄警察局实习生. 努力工作, 的决心, and actively pursuing professional development opportunities have positioned her for career success.


作为一名本科生, you’ll benefit from personalized 支持 from our academic advisors and faculty to help you achieve your individual career goals. We’re here to 支持 you on your journey of self-awareness, inquiry, discovery, and service.




Our Employment Promise: you will secure a full-time job within nine months of graduation. 如果你不这样做,你会得到额外的经济或教育支持.



克里Suslovitch, 2019届毕业生, co-founded a tech start-up that built a suite of “self-service” human resource applications allowing companies to take their processes online and integrate with ERP systems. Her 24/7 dedication paid off and her company’s products became a top choice among many Fortune 1000 companies. As successful as she was, she had always promised herself she would complete her degree. She chose Rivier with programs designed for 工作ing professionals and earned her Bachelor’s in Business Administration, 这是她最自豪的成就之一.


作为一名专业研究学生, 你会在你的本科学业中找到平衡, 工作, 家庭生活对你的成功至关重要. On-campus and online programs provide the flexibility you need to achieve your career goals.



真实的人. 真正的故事. 真正的成功.

You’ll build professional connections that will prepare you for career success and position you for advancement. You’ll meet dedicated professionals like you and will build a net工作 that will help you achieve your goals.



坐在舒适的实验室椅子上, 南加州, 凯文·吉尔, 2011届毕业生, 能看到外太空吗. 他把他的M.S. in Computer Science 教育 to 工作 as a Science Data Software Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He plans and designs technology in 支持 of environmental science and space exploration. His recent 工作 not only produced the first-ever close views of Saturn but also contributed to NASA’s team winning an Emmy.


Our 研究生 programs will prepare you to achieve leadership roles in the industry of your choice. A tradition of academic excellence paired with faculty focused on your achievement will position you for the future you envision.



真实的人. 真正的故事. 真正的成功.

你会发现我们的校友成为商界领袖, 政府, 教育, 医疗保健, 以及全国和世界各地的无数行业. 每个人都有自己独特的成功故事可以分享.



Dr. 丽莎·迪亚斯, 2016G级, began 工作ing in health and human services before launching a career at World Academy in 纳舒厄, 她在那里当了十年校长. Earning her Doctor of Education in Leadership and Learning from Rivier positioned her for the top leadership role of Head of School. She proudly leads a learning community that makes a positive impact on the lives of children and families.


皇冠体育在线攻读博士学位,成为一名创新者. You will be positioned for the highest level of professional achievement and will be prepared to make your mark on the world.



真实的人. 真正的故事. 真正的成功.

Rivier 博士 alumni are highly respected professionals who are advancing their industries globally. Each has their own unique story to tell and is part of a broad net工作 of alumni making a difference.



凯特琳鲍彻, 2020届毕业生, 从新皇冠体育开始, but soon had to put her 教育 on hold to fulfill her personal responsibilities. As life progressed and she started a family and a career at a police department, 她找到了一份自己喜欢的工作和一个乐于服务的社区. Considering her potential for advancement, her path led her back to Rivier. 具有灵活的在线学习时间安排, 她将在2020年顺利完成心理学学位, 无论是个人成就还是职业成就.


选择一个在线课程,随时随地上课, 方便地访问教师和同学,当你需要, 可以转学到90个学时. With multiple start 日期s available, you’ll find the flexibility you need at Rivier.


真实的人. 真正的故事. 真正的成功.

当你选择在线课程时, 你打开了通往世界各地专业人士网络的大门, 每个人都有自己独特的成功故事可以分享. 选择皇冠体育在线,从今天开始写你的故事.



新皇冠体育,明天你真的可以去任何地方. 但要实现这一目标,你必须从今天开始. 发现为什么是本科, 研究生, and doctoral students trust Rivier as their top choice for a private university in NH.